F0 DFA4 E4 AF75 49 F7 9 C7 F 6 AFFC2025 FE5

Hot House

We’re tak­ing some time off in August… #inthewin­dows HOT HOUSE is a site spe­cif­ic instal­la­tion by Nik­ki Allford

... a continuation of her ongoing Otherworlds Series.

Nikki Allford exhibits nationally and internationally. Including shows in Moscow, Mexico City, Prague, Athens, a touring show in Slovakia and frequent London exhibitions. She recently took part in the Unstable Monuments immersive show in The Old Magistrates Courts, Bristol earlier this year.
F0 DFA4 E4 AF75 49 F7 9 C7 F 6 AFFC2025 FE5
Installation Sculpture