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Workshops & Courses

Heritage Walk & Contemporary Plein Air Masterclass with Jayne Farleigh

Come and dis­cov­er our Artist Her­itage Trail and enjoy a con­tem­po­rary take on plein air tech­nique with pro­fes­sion­al artist Jayne Farleigh.

Starting with a heritage walk around Paignton guaranteed to intrigue both seasoned locals and inquisitive visitors and concluding with an afternoon masterclass suitable for artists of any background, we have just 10 places available at this full day event arts heritage event.

Places are £58.00 inclusive of lunch.

Heritage Walk
Starting at the seafront and taking in locations across the town centre, historic Winners Street and the Paignton Old Town, this approximately one hour walk will be guided by local history experts and supported by our workshop leader, who will provide context on applying plein air techniques to capturing a variety of locations.

Event Information

What’s Included
• Heritage walk with local expert to discover Paignton’s history, and applying plein air approaches
• Lunch at the Palace Theatre
• 3hr masterclass with professional contemporary artist
• Dedicated tutelage on your chosen media
• Expert advice and guidance on plein air practice and how it can benefit your work

What to Bring
We will have some portable easels available on the day but if you have your own equipment you’re used to we’d encourage you to bring it.
You can view a list of suggested materials via our event page

Timings are approximate and subject to change. Exact locations confirmed with participants by email.
10:15 – Meet at starting location near Paignton Seafront (exact location confirmed once booked).
10:30 – Depart for heritage walk across Paignton
11:30 – Arrive at Masterclass location and stop for lunch at Palace Theatre café (price included in booking, lunch ordered in advance)
12:30 – Contemporary Plein Air Masterclass with Jayne Farleigh
14:00 – Break
14:15 – Masterclass Continues
15:30 – Masterclass Ends

Exact trail locations will be confirmed with participants by email but include a variety of sites across Paignton.

The masterclass will be hosted in Palace Avenue Park.

Lunch will be hosted at the Palace Theatre in their café.

Find out more and book your place via the event page

The Great Paignton Paint Out
This event is part of a wider weekend of plein air activity taking place across Paignton. For more information on The Great Paignton Paint Out, visit
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