
Harbour House Presents: Jeremy Deller's Acid Brass

As part of Kings­bridge Fair Week cel­e­bra­tions, Har­bour House presents Turn­er Prize Win­ner Jere­my Deller’s icon­ic ACID BRASS. A 28 piece brass band per

Saturday 20 July 2024
Band Stand, Kingsbridge Town Square
Performance: 4:30 - 5:30pm

Performed by Williams Fairey Band, supported by KNDS. With thanks to our partners Kingsbridge Fair Week.

It will also be an opportunity to see our new exhibition ‘Music is Prophecy’ by Jeremy Deller.

There will be FREE light refreshments in the gallery.

Performance: The Band Stand, Kingsbridge Town Square at 4:30 - 5:30pm.

Come join us for for a dance!
Installation Public art