BRAC UWE Exhibition 2025 Poster A4

Garden of Hope

This exhi­bi­tion by Bris­tol Refugee Artists Col­lec­tive (BRAC) and Uni­ver­si­ty of the West of Eng­land (UWE) archi­tec­ture students.

25/04/25 – 30/04/25
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, 11:00 – 19:00
Thursday, Closed
Friday, 17:30 – 19:30
Saturday, 11:00 – 19:00
Our ‘green lungs’ are precious city spaces that feed our souls, soothe our anxieties, and remind us of home. This exhibition by Bristol Refugee Artists Collective (BRAC) and University of the west of England (UWE) architecture students is inspired by the Memorial Garden, a small, secretive green space near St Mary Redcliffe Church in Bristol which has a rich history but is often overlooked by passers by.

There is currently a concerted effort going on to bring this space back into its former glory. Our vision is a modern site for celebrating and remembering the many migrants and asylum-seekers who have sought refuge and come to call Bristol home over the centuries.

Bristol Refugee Artists Collective members come from nine countries and speak 22 languages between them. Each will be showing artwork that reflects on their own connections with gardens of hope and friendship. Our collaboration with UWE architecture students will also show suggestions made for memorials, sculpture, play equipment, community gardening and plantings to create a beautiful atmospheric space for everyone to enjoy.

As part of our residency, BRAC members will lead informal and fun daily workshops for all the family and work by members of the group will be on sale in the gallery throughout the show.

FREE ENTRY for art show and workshops : small donations are welcome to cover cost of materials and to support our future work.