Futures Forum 5 FB V3
Talks & Seminars

Futures Forum #5: Longing and Belonging

Glob­al major­i­ty artists, art work­ers & cre­atives, you’re invit­ed to join the dis­cus­sion at Futures Forum #5: Long­ing and Belong­ing with Rakhee Jasani

Why is so little ‘nature writing’ and other nature-inspired art produced within the UK by global majority artists? What are the conditions for ‘belonging’ or is the tension between ‘longing and belonging’ the very thing that defines the art being produced by global majority creatives working in the UK. Is creativity itself a function or an exploration of ‘belonging’? Does this situation need to change? What are the conditions or practical action that will bring about this change? Join movement and writing practitioner Rakhee in a practical (online) session, which will invite you to move and write as an exploration of your sense of longing and belonging.

How to book

To sign-up for this event, please book a free ticket via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/futures-forum-5-longing-and-belonging-tickets-423942211567

Please note that these talks take place online via Zoom and you will be sent the meeting link shortly before the day of this event. Bookings close 2 days before the event. If you try to register once bookings have closed please email hannah@aspacearts.org.uk to be sent the link.

About the Host

Rakhee is a creative practitioner working within combined arts whose personal practice embraces writing and movement. Rakhee works collaboratively to produce projects and programming which invites members of the community to participate in developing and celebrating their own creative participation. Alongside her work as a creative practitioner and community artist, Rakhee also works freelance as an evaluator, policy consultant, yoga and qigong teacher.

“The focus of my creativity has been on children and young people alongside the wider community with a growing focus on diversity, inclusion and access. In 1994 I co-founded the award-winning combined arts organisation, Eastside Educational Trust of which I was co-director for the following 23 years. After leaving Eastside Educational Trust my focus shifted to writing and developing a wellbeing movement practice which is inspired by, but not limited to somatic movement, qigong, yoga and dance. Most recently (2019 – 2021) I worked with theatre and movement practitioner Vanio Papadelli to deliver Write Moves (supported by: Mayor of London’s Culture Seeds). This was a programme of movement and writing workshops shifting the dialogue around body image.

My interest is in exploring the relationship between different forms of creative expression and between the personal and intimate expression of art and more public forms of expression. I have championed everyday creativity and the creativity and voices of those that are not always heard. As a woman from a global majority background and as someone who has worked alongside children and young people for the majority of my working life, these are the voices I want to see more centred in the future.”

About Futures Forum

Futures Forum looks to create a safe, supportive environment for global majority artists at all stages of their careers. In creating this space we recognise that there is currently a serious imbalance in the representation of global majority artists in Southampton’s cultural offer as well as further afield. Futures Forum was created to address this imbalance and provide a space for artists of all disciplines to share ideas, meet other creative people and hear from sector leaders. This space exists to serve the needs, ambitions and aspirations of its members.