Script event
Talks & Seminars

From script to print to hypertext: two millennia of Exeter’s written heritage with Ian Maxted

Ian tracks lit­er­a­cy in Exeter across the cen­turies, reveal­ing the chang­ing forms in which the writ­ten word reached peo­ple here.

From coins through graffiti, monumental inscriptions, scrolls and manuscripts, print, and then into the digital world of the internet, he shows there is a continuity running through all the developments. The internet has not killed the book, just as the printed book did not kill the manuscript.

The illustration of the book fool accompanying this event is from the translation of ‘The Ship of Fools’ by Alexander Barclay in 1509 - the first printed book by a Devon author. The Book Fool is the alter ego of Ian Maxted, book historian and former Devon local studies librarian.
Script event