Whats App Image 2024 04 05 at 16 36 04 6

Families in Grief presents: The Universal

The Uni­ver­sal is the result of a series of work­shops for bereaved young peo­ple in North Devon host­ed by Fam­i­lies in Grief and Stu­dio KIND.

‘The Universal’ is the culmination of a collaborative project between Families in Grief and Studio KIND., presenting artwork created over a series of workshops designed to support bereaved young individuals in North Devon.

This exhibition delves into the profound themes of grief, shedding light on the intricate emotional journey often concealed within. Through documenting the creative processes of participants, 'The Universal' endeavours to bring to the forefront what is often hidden, providing a visual medium for the expression of emotions that may otherwise be difficult to articulate.

The exhibition will also showcase the poignant works of several local artists residing in and around North Devon, each exploring themes of grief and loss through their unique artistic lenses. Join us as we navigate the complexities of grief, find solace in shared experiences.
Whats App Image 2024 04 05 at 16 36 04 6