Eco motor madness
Workshops & Courses

Eco-motor madness - LEGO® activity

Design and build an eco-friend­ly LEGO® motor vehi­cle wor­thy of Exeter’s dream of a green­er future, as seen in the Brick by Brick exhibition.

03/08/22 – 18/08/22
Opening Times
Sun–Tue, Closed
Wed–Thu, 13:30 – 15:30
Fri–Sat, Closed
16 and under: £4.00
This two-hour long workshop is run by Brick Ideas. Design and build your own battery powered LEGO® vehicle, test out which gears will help it run faster or climb a hill better, then let the racing fun begin – all without a drop of petrol.

Suitable for accompanied children aged 5 or above.
Please arrive for the start of the session.
Book early to avoid disappointment.
Eco motor madness
Drawing Sculpture