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Open Studios

East Quay Artist Open Studios

The East Quay artists and friends have been think­ing about BLUE, so we’re invit­ing you to come along and think about BLUE too.

13/05/22 – 22/05/22
Over twenty of The East Quay artists and friends are opening their studios with a themed display of artworks relating to the colour BLUE. The public are invited to explore East Quay on a free trail of painting, sculpture, prints, drawings, video, performance and participatory art.

There will be a celebratory event on Saturday 14th May from 6 - 8pm with a bar and DJ.

Open Studio Artists Include: Albatross Print Studio, Vanessa Clegg, Melanie Deegan, Geckoella, Han Made, Alison Jacobs, Zoe Snape, Georgina Towler, Amanda Shears, Katrin Snell and many more friends.

Wheelchair accessible and Family-friendly