An image of birds printed in blue
Workshops & Courses

Drypoint and Carborundum Day

A one day work­shop learn­ing the beau­ti­ful art of dry­point etch­ing com­bine with the tex­tures of carborundum.

Drypoint is a direct way of working on metal or Perspex plate which is printed “intaglio” – like an etching. The process lends itself to lively, expressive mark making, using needles, roulettes, sandpapers and power tools. The use of Carborundum grit adds an exciting tonal qualities to drypoint and an additional dynamic to your mark-making repertoire. Join tutor Lynn Bailey for a day of learning this wonderful printmaking skill.
You can have a little or no experience of printmaking; equally this is suitable for experienced printmakers looking to extend their skills.
An image of birds printed in blue
Printmaking Education