A black and white image showing a street scene

Devonport 200

Dis­played across mul­ti­ple spaces, The Box’s con­tri­bu­tion to Devon­port 200 delves into the archives to explore the com­plex his­to­ry of the place.

19/10/24 – 12/01/25
Opening Times
Sunday, 10:00 – 17:00
Monday, Closed
Tue–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
In Active Archives, Celebrate Devonport explores stories connected to Devonport that have made a positive difference in people’s lives. It features highlights from our archives, art and social history collections, including early objects relating to the change of name from Plymouth Dock to Devonport, explorations of the life and work of Bill Miller, and celebrated locations.

In the Bridge Gallery, TRACES explores everyday ‘moments’ or snapshots of experiences in the collection which are often the only record of an activity taking place. Most daily experiences in Devonport have no record, but can we (or should we) collect ‘everything’? In this sense, archives are never ‘complete’, but still act as a form of collective memory.

In Media Lab, the film Future Archaeology - The Devonport Collection: An Incomplete Archive by Naresh Kaushal and Jamie Harper explores Devonport from the perspective of those who know it, using participatory storytelling to invite audiences into a creative dialogue about their past and present experiences of the city.

This work has been funded by Arts Council England, Plymouth City Council and The Box, Plymouth.