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Devon Open Studios - Venue TB8 Launch

Arti­zan Gallery hosts Devon Open Stu­dios venue TB8 with Olya Bak­lan’s stu­dio res­i­den­cy and sup­port­ing exhibitions.

Opening Times
18:00 – 20:00
Join us for the launch event on 8th September from 18:00-20:00 or visit the exhibition until September 24th.

Our Artist Previews are a great chance to meet the artists, experience our exhibitions and enjoy a relaxed social evening in our venues. The events are free and open to all with the option to make a voluntary donation to support our work if you wish.

About the Exhibitions:

Olya Baklan
Olya originally from Ukraine, relocated to the UK several years ago where she has exhibited widely. Whilst living in Ukraine she spent many summers in the Crimea and during this time she produced a series of work in response to Russian aggression towards Crimea which were exhibited there. Today her inspiration comes from nature and wildflowers which she refers to as ‘the quiet poetry of rural life’ and hence they are more uplifting and harmonious in their effect on the viewer.

A Photographic Eulogy to Aesc (Ash)
In 2020, Robert Darch was commissioned by the Saving Devon’s Treescapes project, led by Devon Wildlife Trust, to produce an artistic response to Ash Dieback in the county. The photographs displayed in ‘A Eulogy to Aesc (ash)’ form part of the collection, and capture the loss of some mature ash trees, as well as portraits of some of the many professionals working to manage and respond to the disease.

Sculpture Studio
Artizan’s main space at Lucius Street will be transformed during Devon Open Studios into a dedicated 3D Sculpture Studio featuring works from accomplished sculptors working in various mediums and producing at the height of their respective fields.
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