Credit Alissa Everett 2
Talks & Seminars

Covering Beauty: Global Photography from Alissa Everett

A fas­ci­nat­ing con­ver­sa­tion with renowned human­i­tar­i­an pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Alis­sa Everett and how she spent two decades doc­u­ment­ing social issues

Join the RPS on 20 June for a fascinating conversation with renowned humanitarian photographer, Alissa Everett, and RPS President, Simon Hill.

Together they will discuss Alissa’s life and career spanning two decades documenting social issues, remote locations, and indigenous cultures.

Alissa’s work has taken her to over 130 countries across six continents. Since 2003, she has covered conflict and ethnic issues in Iraq, Darfur, Gaza, South Sudan and Afghanistan.

Most recently Alissa recently was based on the Ukrainian border with The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to document the humanitarian response efforts.

Alissa was on the ground during major events in the Iraq conflict and was the only photographer allowed to take pictures at the capture of Saddam Hussein’s infamous sons.

In contrast to media reportage and photojournalist capturing brutality and fighting, Everett’s work takes on an almost painterly feel as she captures intimate moments of life through the lens.

This is a hybrid event, taking place online and at RPS House, Bristol. This is a free event, but booking is required.
Credit Alissa Everett 2