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Workshops & Courses


A four day Nature Pho­tog­ra­phy Mas­ter­class, to devel­op your tech­niques for tak­ing pho­tographs on location

During this four day Nature Photography Masterclass, you will be developing your techniques for taking photographs on location, and learning how to use the bookmaking process to present your photographs.

The course will be delivered under expert tuition by award-winning Wildlife Photographer Matthew Maran and Photobook maker Eddie Ephraums of Envisage Books.

With an emphasis on both the technical and creative aspects of Nature Photography, you will learn how to tightly edit your images with a theme in mind and work towards printing and producing a beautifully crafted hand-bound 3-hole-sewn book that you can take home with you.

You will spend time getting to know the site around Clayhill and exploring the local wildlife. With a mixture of open fields, woodlands, flowerbeds and water, there is plenty to choose from for your subject. You will be shown practical tips about getting the most out of your camera, and after putting these into practice, you will then learn how to tightly edit your images and share your shoots with the rest of the participants. There is an opportunity for some early morning on-location photography for those who need it and you will explore how to sequence the images you have created and how to make a simple paper mockup for print sequencing.

By the end of the course you will have:

Improved knowledge and confidence with the manual functions of your camera.
Established a way of shooting on location with a goal in mind to focus on a collection of images that tell a story.
Engaged with nature through photography and having fun in the process.
Learnt how to share and discuss ideas with fellow participants.
Produced a beautifully crafted hand-bound 3-hole-sewn book that you can take home with you.
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