A hedgehog etched onto a copper plate
Workshops & Courses

Copper-plate Etching Weekend

Expand your print­mak­ing prac­tice with our cop­per-plate etch­ing weekend

Some experience of intaglio printmaking is advisable. This is also suitable for experienced printmakers looking to extend their skills or etchers looking to change from traditional toxic etching to less toxic, modern equivalents.

All the expressive mark-making typical of traditional etching without the use of harmful organic solvents. Hard ground, soft ground, aquatint, wash and semi-permeable grounds on offer. Plus an introduction to different ways of applying colour.

Course participants will be introduced to the workshop, preparing copperplate with a variety of etching grounds, etching with ferric chloride, stripping grounds and gain a good insight into creating and printing etchings.

The first day will focus on explaining Acrylic Resist Etching techniques, preparing a set of small test plates. Hard ground etching and soft ground/wet ground plates will be prepared and etched.

Day two, participants will be introduced to printing papers, printing inks and how to take your first prints from your plates.

Semi-permeable/wash grounds and aquatint effects will be explored.
A hedgehog etched onto a copper plate
Printmaking Education