Connor Coulston in Bideford

Connor Coulston in Bideford

Explor­ing the col­lec­tions at The Bur­ton, Coul­ston has cho­sen a selec­tion of pieces to rein­ter­pret and give these pieces a con­tem­po­rary narrative

Exploring the ceramic collections at The Burton at Bideford, Art Gallery and Museum, Coulston has chosen a selection of pieces to reinterpret and give these pieces a contemporary narrative.

Connor Coulston is an artist whose practice is defined by the ongoing conversation between his self-deprecating sense of humour, wild imagination and the materiality of clay. Coulston uses humour as a tool to create surreal and kitsch sculptures, lulling his audience into a false sense of security before the works’ more unsettling undertones are revealed.
Connor Coulston in Bideford
Installation Sculpture