Chance Encounters: The Art of Rachel Reckitt
A retrospective of paintings, sculpture and wood engravings by the West Somerset artist Rachel Reckitt (1908 – 1995.)
Rachel Reckitt (1908-1995) was a 20th-century modernist artist who lived and worked in West Somerset for over 60 years. She was a unique artistic talent who worked entirely on her own terms, moving across subject matter, styles and media, even training as a blacksmith when she was in her 60s.
Her lifelong-artistic endeavor, inspired by her astute observations of people and places, spans avant-garde painting, sculpture, wood engraving and blacksmithing. The exhibition will include loans from public and private collections alongside new acquisitions by the South West Heritage Trust.
Her lifelong-artistic endeavor, inspired by her astute observations of people and places, spans avant-garde painting, sculpture, wood engraving and blacksmithing. The exhibition will include loans from public and private collections alongside new acquisitions by the South West Heritage Trust.