
Celebrate the Diversity of Britain through Sculpture and Dance

The Roche Court Edu­ca­tion­al Trust will be host­ing two per­for­mances by Sur­face Area Dance The­atre on 26th and 27th May.

26/05/22 – 27/05/22
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, Closed
Thursday, 17:15 – 18:00
Friday, 13:00 – 13:45
Saturday, Closed
The Roche Court Educational Trust, New Art Centre is delighted to announce their new partnership with community interest company Surface Area Dance Theatre with a series of special events at Roche Court this May.

Featuring former ‘Dancers in Residence’ at both Hepworth Wakefield and the Barbican Centre, Surface Area Dance Theatre have created performances inspired by the sounds sculptures and environmental landscape of Roche Court, resulting in two days of exclusive, site-specific productions. The collaboration will particularly focus on the New Art Centre’s upcoming exhibition of renowned modern British sculptor, Anthony Caro.

In advocating for inclusivity within the dance community, Surface Area Dance Theatre comprises of deaf and hearing dancers who wear SUBPACs during their performances. This pioneering device emits vibrations from the music, ensuring that all dancers perform to the same sensory experiences. Audience members will have the opportunity to discover more about this technology in the post-performance discussions held after the event.

This partnership has been funded by the Arts Council England’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund in partnership with Wiltshire Community Foundation, which will play a vital role in supporting creative, community celebrations for Her Majesty The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.