Bonhams gallery
Talks & Seminars

Bonhams Gallery Conversations: Chinese Art and Porcelain

We are delight­ed that Col­in Sheaf has been able to resched­ule his vis­it to Exeter to give us two talks.

Colin Sheaf is an international authority on Chinese art and a consultant to Bonhams Group. He was due to give a talk to Friends in March 2020; cancelled when Covid arrived.


The Collector’s Eye: Imperial Chinese Porcelain in the Sir Percival David Foundation (currently in the British Museum).

Colin is Chairman of the Foundation.


Chinese Art for Western Interiors c1600-1850

In this talk, he explores the role of Chinese potters and craftsmen in evolving Western tastes in furnishing and decoration.

Ticket includes tea and cake - with thanks to Bonhams for the refreshments.
Bonhams gallery
Research Sculpture