Zocatelli Cesco Dear Father it feels like leaving was necessary for me to realise that I needed to return WEB jpg 2

Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2024

An exhi­bi­tion of emerg­ing and ear­ly career artists at KARST, MIR­ROR and The Levin­sky Gallery.

Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2024 is on view across three venues in Plymouth from 28 September until 7 December.

The exhibition features 35 artists selected, through an open call, by internationally renowned artists Liz Johnson Artur, Permindar Kaur and Amalia Pica. Presented across KARST, The Levinsky Gallery and MIRROR, this presentation marks the return of New Contemporaries to Plymouth for the first time since 1964.

Works on show offer a response to urgent lived concerns, interests and social realities from this generation of artists. Themes explored include mindfulness, consumerism, conviviality, environmentalism, geographical borders, and identity politics. A diverse range of mediums and approaches are featured, including painting, sculpture, installation, photography, moving image and sound.

Since 1949, New Contemporaries has presented an annual exhibition of emerging and early career artists from UK art schools and learning programmes. The unique platform provides artists with an opportunity to present their work to a wider audience, alongside a programme of opportunities to support the development of their practice.
Zocatelli Cesco Dear Father it feels like leaving was necessary for me to realise that I needed to return WEB jpg 2