
Blinkers: Art Installation by Jacky Oliver

As part of the Horse Pow­er exhi­bi­tion, artist and met­al­work­er Jacky Oliv­er has been com­mis­sioned to cre­ate a large-scale kinet­ic con­tem­po­rary artwork.

17/09/22 – 30/10/22
Entry is FREE with Museum Unlimited/normal admission applies.
Jacky Oliver Art Installation in the Abbey Barn. Co-commissioned with Somerset Art Works.

Jacky took her inspiration for the piece from research into the museum collections and the Somerset Archives. She was drawn to the form of blinkers, both because of the simplicity of their geometric shapes, and the part they play in preventing the horse from being distracted, allowing it to focus on the task in hand. The use of shadows suggests the idea of something that is no longer there – echoing a lost memory.

Blinkers is a sculptural installation that draws on a range of traditional metalwork techniques and processes. The linear-steel and brass structure is complemented by leatherwork crafted by Jessie White.

The artwork will be on display in the Abbey Barn as part of a new exhibition, Horse Power, opening from 17 September. The exhibition features a rich display of paintings, photographs, museum objects and film to tell the story of horses in Somerset.

Entry is FREE with Museum Unlimited/normal admission applies.

Jacky was commissioned to create the piece by Somerset Art Works as part of Somerset Art Weeks which runs 24 September to 9 October. This year explores the theme of Sanctuary.

The young people’s programme is supported by the Mendip Community Fund, Department for Education and Arts Council England.
Installation Sculpture