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Black History Month at GHT

This Octo­ber is Black His­to­ry Month UK, and we’re mark­ing the occa­sion at our flag­ship venue God’s House Tow­er with a pro­gramme of exhi­bi­tions & more

As part of the annual celebrations, you can explore and take part in our programme of events:

Exhibition – For My Only Love, Yours in Body and Soul

A new exhibition by London-Based multi-disciplinary artist Ebun Sodipo, which explores the changing attitudes towards Africans and their descendants in Southampton between the 16th and 20th century through a visual and audio love story.

Free entry. On display from Friday 7th October 2022 until Sunday 6th November 2022.

Launch Event – For My Only Love, Yours in Body and Soul

An evening celebrating the opening of Ebun Sodipo’s latest exhibition and commission for Black History Month 2022. This is your chance to meet the artist behind the works and enjoy a reading from Ebun.

Free event. Saturday 8th October 2022 6pm – 8pm at God’s House Tower.

Workshop – Creative Writing Group

A Black History Month focused session, where the group will discuss what the Windrush generation brought to Southampton in terms of food, and creating a culinary map of the city and it’s diverse communities.

Free workshop. Saturday 15th October 1.30pm – 3.30pm. Limited spaces/booking required.

Black History Tour – Hidden Histories

From Black privateers to plantation owners, this fascinating Black History walking tour shines a spotlight onto many lesser known stories of Southampton’s past to better understand the diverse heritage of our City spanning over 400 years.

Tours take place on the following dates and have limited spaces (Saturday 8th October, Saturday 15th October, Saturday 22nd October, Saturday 29th October 2022 11am – 12.30pm). Tickets cost £5, with proceeds going towards the continuation of research and development to share the diverse history of Southampton in new and creative ways.

You can find out more about our programme and book your free tickets here