Rana Begum Dappled Light at The Box Plymouth 2023 1
Talks & Seminars

Bitesize: A Journey Through Dappled Light

Step into a world of colour and join Jodie Bish­op, Pub­lic Art Offi­cer for a walk and talk around Rana Begum’s Dap­pled Light’ exhibition.

The show features vibrant pieces in a range of scales and materials including aluminium, stainless steel, jesmonite, net and mesh.

Jodie will begin with the works on display in St Luke's, before heading over to our main building and then finishing with three brand new works that Rana Begum has created in response to paintings by Sir Joshua Reynolds.

We will have a BSL interpreter at this event.

£2 per person.
On the day, meet in St Luke's church.