Talks & Seminars
Bedwyr Williams Artist Talk
An online talk as part of Od Arts Festival, ‘Still and still moving’
An online talk as part of Od Arts Festival.
Bedwyr Williams uses multimedia, performance and text to explore the friction between the deadly serious and the banal aspects of life.
He often draws on his own autobiographic existence merging art and life with a comedic – and frequently satirical – twist, his work is instantaneously sympathetic and relational.
His work ‘Tyrrau Mawr’ is on show at Od Arts Festival, Still and still moving from 26 - 28 May 2023. The moving image installation takes as its starting point the tradition of Welsh landscape painting. Created using the visual effects technique of ‘matte painting’ the mountainous terrain of North Wales appears in disconcertingly sharp digital quality and becomes the location for a futuristic mega city. As the cityscape changes from night to day, a voiceover, written and narrated by the artist, tells the story of the inhabitants of this brave new world.
Bedwyr Williams uses multimedia, performance and text to explore the friction between the deadly serious and the banal aspects of life.
He often draws on his own autobiographic existence merging art and life with a comedic – and frequently satirical – twist, his work is instantaneously sympathetic and relational.
His work ‘Tyrrau Mawr’ is on show at Od Arts Festival, Still and still moving from 26 - 28 May 2023. The moving image installation takes as its starting point the tradition of Welsh landscape painting. Created using the visual effects technique of ‘matte painting’ the mountainous terrain of North Wales appears in disconcertingly sharp digital quality and becomes the location for a futuristic mega city. As the cityscape changes from night to day, a voiceover, written and narrated by the artist, tells the story of the inhabitants of this brave new world.