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Artizan Women's Open

Con­tin­u­ing the con­ver­sa­tion for a sec­ond year with our Wom­en’s Open Exhibition

19/05/24 – 30/06/24
Opening Times
Sunday, 11:00 – 16:00
Monday, Closed
Tue–Sat, 11:00 – 17:00
Continuing the Conversation

2023 saw us curate our first Women's Open Exhibition, reflecting on some of the National Gallery's analysis of its collections which revealed that in a vast 2,300 paintings spanning the 13th to early 20th century, only 21 are by women.

In doing so, we participated in the ongoing conversation around the “gender gap in art history” and the experience of women artists today. Our stories and context were perhaps not as shocking as those of the National Gallery or of the London commercial galleries where a mere 5 percent approach a semblance of gender parity, but nonetheless, what rang true was the value and importance of this exhibition becoming a regular part of our calendar.

As such, we're excited to be revisiting the Artizan Women’s Open Exhibition for the second instalment of this new regular feature in our annual programme.

The exhibition will launch on 18th May 18:00 - 20:00