BITE talk
Talks & Seminars

Artists Brunch Discussion - BITE: A Site Festival Exhibition

All are wel­come to join the Artist Brunch dis­cus­sion about BITE, an exhi­bi­tion spot­light­ing artists from across four major stu­dio spaces in Bristol.

Opening Times
Pay what you can - £4, £6, £8
All are welcome to join the Artist Brunch discussion about BITE, an exhibition spotlighting artists from across four of the major studio spaces in Bristol.

We will be discussing themes, media and art culture. Delicious light refreshments and snacks will also be available to buy.

BITE is an exhibition showcasing four selected artists from Bristol alongside SITE Festival.

Bristol is a city with a reputation for being a hub for artists. The ever evolving artist networks often spring from the communities formed in artist studios. Showing alongside the Site Festival, this exhibition spotlights artists from across four of the major studio spaces in Bristol.

Across from an inner city farm is BV studios, an anonymous looking building from the outside, previously a printing works and home to over 100 artists and makers.

By bringing a selection of exciting artists from Bristol to Stroud during the Site Festival and drawing attention to the dynamic and fluid artist communities in Bristol, we hope to encourage the potential for collaboration and cross-pollination of ideas.

This exhibition has been selected by Mary Roberts-Holmes and Jo Leahy.
BITE talk
Painting Textiles