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Antibodies | Art During the Pandemic

Stu­dents grad­u­at­ing this year from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter’s new MA Con­tem­po­rary Art Cura­tion present Anti­bod­ies: Art Dur­ing the Pandemic

25/10/21 – 31/10/21
Antibodies: Art During the Pandemic is a series of artists’ installations in empty shop spaces and public contexts around Exeter city centre – including Maketank and Positive Light Projects. A satellite exhibition in the studio of Sandro Sanna is presented in Rome for Rome Art Week.

While the word ‘antibodies’ inevitably has medical connotations, it could also reference the building up of collective resistance to the psychological conditions brought about by the pandemic. A number of the curators are also interested in challenging social norms around representation of ‘the body’ - gender, sexuality, race and disability - in the the context of the city.

Antibodies aims to be a positive and mutually supportive platform working cooperatively with artists, community groups and young people to envisage a different future beyond the ‘new normal’.
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Curating Installation