Anna Walsh Cygnus Nebulosity

Animalium Miscellaneum – Works of Anna Walsh

Arti­zan wel­comes Lon­don based artist Anna Walsh as we con­tin­ue our series of solo shows at our ded­i­cat­ed print­mak­ing and sculp­ture gallery.

19/02/25 – 29/03/25
Opening Times
Sun–Wed, Closed
Thu–Sat, 10:00 – 17:00
Running from February 19th – March 29th, ’Animalium Miscellaneum’ showcases Anna’s playful and thought-provoking interpretations of our relationship with the animal world. Combining drawing, photography, and digital processes, her work reimagines the scientific classification of nature, drawing inspiration from vintage maps, charts, and natural history illustrations. Her pieces invite us to explore the intersection of fact, fiction, and folklore, all while questioning the accuracy and authority of traditional knowledge.

Anna’s exhibition will be hosted in our main gallery space whilst in our Courtyard Gallery our seasonal printmaker open exhibition continues. Each space will also feature specially selected 3D works from our seasonal sculpture artists.

Opening week Wednesday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm Thereafter Thursday - Saturday 10 am - 5 pm
Anna Walsh Cygnus Nebulosity