Family Friendly
Ancient Jewellery
Be the envy of your friends with a unique necklace or ancient tablet decorated with your name written in cuneiform.
Just like Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, cuneiform is one of the oldest writing systems in the world. Take a look at RAMM's collection of cuneiform tablets in our Ancient Worlds gallery. Some of these were found in such ancient and exotic places like Babylon or Ur and record everything from official documents to shopping lists!
Using quick air drying clay, we will make small pendants or tablets and provide you with the cuneiform alphabet to translate your name or short message into.
This event is part of Museum at Large, RAMM's urban trail of eye-catching creativity - find out more at http://bit.ly/MuseumatLarge
Using quick air drying clay, we will make small pendants or tablets and provide you with the cuneiform alphabet to translate your name or short message into.
This event is part of Museum at Large, RAMM's urban trail of eye-catching creativity - find out more at http://bit.ly/MuseumatLarge