Emily burridge cello solo montage

All Trees Are Clocks

Emi­ly Bur­ridge (cel­lo) and Karen Wimhurst (clar­inet), accom­pa­ny field record­ings and video cre­at­ed by Adri­an Newton.

All Trees Are Clocks is the second performance from Dorchester Arts this season responding to environmental issues and is a live multi-media performance exploring the environmental impacts of climate change. The concert will be given by Emily Burridge (cello) and Karen Wimhurst (clarinet), who will accompany a presentation of field recordings and video created by ecologist and sound artist Adrian Newton, documenting how ancient woodlands change through the seasons and over longer timescales.

This is a unique opportunity to attend a performance of this collaborative piece, which was recently featured on the Cerys Matthews show on BBC Radio 6.
Emily burridge cello solo montage