About Us Artists Scratch Showcase

About Us! Artists’ Scratch Showcase: SW Edition

Pre­sent­ed by Coun­ter­points Arts and Dart­ing­ton Trust, a shar­ing and net­work­ing event for cre­atives based in the region

The About Us! Artists’ Scratch Showcase is curated and initiated by AWATE, inspired by a similar platform developed by TekstLab (Oslo), and developed by Counterpoints Arts in partnership with Southbank Centre. It was created as a safe space to uplift and connect artistic experimenters that identify as Black, POC, and/or with lived experience of migration or displacement. The South West Edition is a public event held as part of Counterpoints Arts’ Pop Culture & Social Change Retreat at Dartington Hall (12-14 October), bringing together a group of 50 change-making entertainment producers, artists, cultural innovators, activists and philanthropists committing to building long-term narrative power for Black, POC, migrant and refugee communities.

Each commissioned artist performs or presents one piece of work to a public audience, including creative peers. After each performance, the artists and audience will discuss any shared or contrasting themes, talk about craft, as well as networking and industry advice.

Artists may include writers, musicians, dancers, filmmakers, designers, architects (or anything between!). Previous showcases have included comedians, screenwriters, folk singers and performance art.
About Us Artists Scratch Showcase