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A Celebration of Torquay - Exhibition Launch

Join us for the launch of our lat­est exhi­bi­tion at our Arti­zan Col­lec­tive Gallery

19/05/23 – 21/05/23
Opening Times
Sun–Thu, Closed
Friday, 18:00 – 20:00
Saturday, Closed
free admission
We are delighted to be hosting a solo show featuring works of renowned artist Martin Dutton SWAc, with the exhibition showcasing Dutton’s painting of iconic locations in Torquay, including the Pavilion, Harbour and Mallock Memorial Clock Tower.

“A Celebration of Torquay” is an excellent opportunity for residents of and visitors to the town to experience its iconic locations through the eyes of a talented artist. The exhibition runs from May 20th to June 25th at the Artizan Collective Gallery in Torquay. Visitors are encouraged to attend the exhibition launch on May 19th where there will be the opportunity to meet the artist and hear more about his work and practice over a glass of wine.

For more information visit https://www.art-hub.co.uk/ex/md23 or to RSVP for the launch head to https://www.art-hub.co.uk/events-1/md23.
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