Pandemic Programme

A list of inter­est­ing, enter­tain­ing, use­ful, relax­ing, rec­om­mend­ed, crit­i­cal­ly engaged & par­tic­u­lar­ly GOOD online visu­al arts con­tent by Kevin Hunt.


Artist and lecturer Kevin Hunt has produced an evolving list of some of the most interesting, entertaining, useful, relaxing, recommended, critically engaged and particularly GOOD online visual arts content that has been published, produced and pieced together by museums, galleries, festivals and artist-led projects; artists, designers, art writers, commissioners and curators since the Coronavirus crisis was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation on 12 March 2020 and lockdowns across Europe (and the rest of the world) commenced.

Kevin Hunt (b. 1983) is an artist living and working in Liverpool and a lecturer at Manchester School of Art. Recent sculpture and printed works alongside larger-scale ‘social installations’ examine the mutability of language within our day-to-day scenario and the linguistic potential everyday shapes have if misconstrued, repeated or ‘read’ in a literal sense; running with learned misunderstandings and/or nicknames as a methodology for developing an increasingly multi-purpose and collaborative practice.

Recent projects include BEWEME, a permanent architectural intervention within the reception of Hotel Maria Kapel in Hoorn (Netherlands) and face - ade, a major public artwork (including a community-led fizzy drink production-line) at Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham (Wales). Between 2017/18 he organised, a self-organised, evolving and nomadic ‘free school’ open for all Liverpool-based artists to access and take part in free of charge. He also publishes (in collaboration with a-n) the ARTIST-LED HOT 100, a long-list of some of the most exciting emerging artist groups, curatorial initiatives, content publishers and independent exhibiting spaces operating in the UK today.

Follow Kevin on Instagram: @sculptureartman

Visit his website:
