Self-Employment, Care, Connecting, COVID-19

COVID-19 & Freelance Artists

A new web­site has been cre­at­ed to give free­lance artists access to invalu­able resources through­out these uncer­tain times.


An aggregated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options have become publicly available on a new Wordpress website, which has been set up in response to issues that have arisen due to the spread of COVD-19.

This list is specifically designed to serve freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community. This includes, but is not limited to, actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc.

The website features content and inspiration from Nicole Brewer, Ann Marie Lonsdale, Quanice Floyd, Tiffany Wilhelm, Brian Herrera, Hannah Fenlon, & Clementine Bordeaux, but the website also calls for users to submit and share their own findings.

Head to www.covid19freelanceartistreso... to access the list of free resources.
