Climate Justice Code for artists, art workers, and arts organisations situated in the Global North
A tool for practitioners and organisations to use and hold themselves and each other accountable for their responsibilities towards climate justice.
The Climate Justice Code (CJC) invites arts practitioners and arts organisations to reconcile the values they (re)present with the ways they organise and operate. It proposes that they extend their sense of responsibility towards the (eco)systems they are embedded in, in order to recognise and act on the urgency of climate and environmental breakdown.
The Climate Justice Code was first drafted by an editorial committee, alongside a steering committee, for Casco Art Institute’s second Assembly for commoning art institutions in October 2019. Throughout 2020-2022 it was further developed by a working group of trans-oceanic artists, activists, and facilitators across the creative fields, based predominantly in Europe, with the intention that it be adopted and adapted by arts practitioners and arts organisations.
The Climate Justice Code encourages practitioners beyond this immediate context to take it up, adapt it, and develop it.
Climate Justice Code © 2023 by Casco Art Institute, Climate Justice Code working group, and the authors: Teresa Borasino; Ama Josephine Budge Johnstone; Josina Calliste; Pau(la) Chaves Bonilla; the Community Economies Institute (Leo Hwang, Ana Inés Heras, Aviv Kruglanski, Molly Mullen); Nish Doshi; Clementine Edwards; Cannach MacBride; Jessica Palalagi; Zoe Scoglio.
Climate Justice Code © 2023 by Climate Justice Code working group is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit