Open call


Day School offers artists a shared stu­dio space along­side month­ly edu­ca­tion days with guest artists, sup­port and advice for work and careers.

we have had x2 spaces come up at EBC Day School and the opportunity to join the current group of participants until august 2023.

if you would like to express interest in joining the group please email us at by sunday 5th february (23:59 deadline). we look forward to hearing from you.

full details on how to apply can be found on our website including dates for our saturday education days (upcoming sessions with david blandy and madalina zaharia), applicants should also know that the group regularly meets together on a monday evening in their studio space.

successful applicants will be asked to attend an informal online interview, with the view to selected participants joining the group for their next education day on the 18th of february.

what do participants have access to?

-24/7 access to a shared studio space and desk space (or equivalent), space to be coordinated and set up collaboratively by participants themselves (whole studio space c.39m squared)

-monthly education days (saturday) with invited guest artist/educator (including talks, workshops, crits, 121s, discussions and other group projects). we have had recent education days with harold offeh, kerry campbell, bryony gillard, and conway & young as invited guests.

-ebc organised additional workshops and projects

-opportunity to contribute peer led workshops/talks/content and to work collaboratively

-much of the school is peer led so there is a real opportunity for all voices to be heard and to help shape the content of our sessions/ideas for invited guests

-once yearly group project or exhibition opportunity

-access to ebc network and professional development opportunities

-121s with ebc Day School coordinator jack

-monthly social occasions

-shared kitchen facilities
