Open call

The Turning Point Bursary for Visual Artists 2023

Appli­ca­tions are now open for the sec­ond half of a space’ arts bien­ni­al tal­ent devel­op­ment pro­gramme, the Turn­ing Point Bur­sary for Visu­al Artists

‘a space’ arts are inviting visual artists at a ‘turning point’ in their artistic career to propose and carry out a 6 month programme of activity to develop their practice.

The Turning Point Bursary programme acts as a springboard to extend existing interests and explore new territories by enabling visual artists to propose a development project that is responsive to their needs, and aligned with their practice and long-term goals.

There are 4 places available on the 2023 programme and the bursary is open to individual artists, collaborations and collectives, though only one bursary will be awarded per application.

Successful applicants will receive a £1000 bursary to support their proposed activity, support from the Creative Programming Team, and the opportunity to take part in a public sharing event at GHT next year.

To apply for the programme you must be a contemporary visual artist or group with an active, critically engaged practice in the visual arts and based (live or work) within Hampshire, or any county bordering Hampshire (Wiltshire, Berkshire, Dorset, Isle of Wight, Surrey, or West Sussex).

Find out more about the bursary and how to apply by following the link to the 'a space' website -

The closing date for applications is the 6th January 2023.


As an organisation we actively look to reduce barriers for artists applying for our opportunities and commissions, and we are committed to being fair, accessible, transparent and inclusive.

We offer a range of access support for artists, including alternative formats for information we release and submissions we receive as well as an artist access fund; please contact us so that we can discuss your individual needs and provide appropriate support for your application or project. Please either email us on or call 023 80 338 778.