Call for artists

The Forest of Dean Original Print Fair – Apply Now!

We invite appli­ca­tions for the first ever Orig­i­nal Print Fair in the For­est of Dean

We are pleased to announce the first ever Print Fair in the Forest of Dean to be held at The Wesley community and arts centre in Cinderford, GL14 2AA on Friday 15th & Saturday 16th September 2023.

The Forest of Dean Original Print Fair, an artist-led event organised in partnership with The Yard Print Studio, will be a fantastic opportunity for printmakers from the Forest of Dean and beyond to present work for sale in the wonderful old methodist church that is now The Wesley community and art centre.

Featuring original work from printmakers; framed work, unframed prints in browsers, cards and gifts, there will be an opportunity to view printmaking in all its brilliant forms as well as buy affordable work from the makers themselves. There will also be printmaking demonstrations, taster sessions and stalls from print material suppliers.

I am one of a group of printmakers hosting the first ever Original Print Fair in the Forest of Dean, initiated by Nichola Goff. If you are an individual printmaker, print studio, collective or a supplier we would love to hear from you. Email for more info and an application form with terms and conditions.
Drawing Printmaking