
The Art of Access Adjustments with Jamila Prowse

In this record­ed work­shop, Jami­la pro­vides exam­ples that demon­strate the impor­tance of refram­ing the rela­tion­ship between access & the arts.

From audio description to closed captions, alt-text and remote viewing, there are a whole multitude of access adjustments that can open up the possibilities for people to engage, feel, and experience artworks.

In this workshop, Jamila will provide examples from her own artistic practice as well as artists who inspire her, demonstrating the importance of reframing how we view the relationship between access and the arts. Together, we will consider how access adjustments can in and of themselves be an integral art form, as opposed to an add on or an afterthought.

You can access the workshop along with a list of further resources put together by Jamila via the the resources section of the VASW website, the link is on the right of this page.