Call for artists

Tender: Virtual Time Capsule

Real Ideas are seek­ing to com­mis­sion the pro­duc­tion of a vir­tu­al time cap­sule for the immer­sive dome.

Real Ideas are seeking to commission the production of a virtual time capsule for the immersive dome. This experience will accompany a physical time capsule being buried during the Devonport 200 celebrations. The virtual time capsule will be created for the 360 fulldome at Market Hall, with the brief for the visuals created collaboratively with a local community group for older people, Red Velvet Cinema. The experience seeks to bring members of the community together, providing the opportunity for individuals to 3D scan their favourite objects to add to an immersive gallery or ‘time capsule’. Find out more information, including how to apply at the link in bio

Applications close at midnight on Sunday 11th August.