
Studio KIND. x VASW: Connection, Community, Hope

An event address­ing how we can fos­ter hope through con­nec­tiv­i­ty and stay part of the con­ver­sa­tion in our rur­al spaces.

Studio KIND. x VASW: Connection, Community, Hope
Friday 27 Sept / 10-4.30pm
Studio KIND. at The Corn Store, Barnstaple

Booking: Free to attend (capacity 34) offered on a first-come-first-served basis, with a limited number of travel bursaries available, offered at different levels. See more details below.

Part of VASW's ‘How Can I Stay? (I don't want to not want to stay)’ programme.

This one-day event will be a chance to meet creative practitioners from across the South West and share our thoughts, feelings, and hopes for a connected, nurturing community; asking 'how can we foster hope through connectivity?' The day will include a number of discussions, workshops and mind-mapping exercises (with lots of creative flare) to think about ways we can support one another, be part of the conversation, share skills and resources, and create meaningful collaborative relationships.

The event is delivered in collaboration with local artist, Ruth Bateman, who will be joined by Peter Stiles (local artist and cultural producer), Laura Porter (artist, curator and Studio KIND. founding director), and Sharon Gale (artist, arts educator, and Studio KIND. community engagement director). All artists will be sharing insight into the challenges they have faced across their varied careers.

The event is open to people of all ages, background, experience levels, and interests.

- Capacity - There are 34 places available allocated on a first-come-first-served basis

- Travel bursaries - There are a limited number of travel and time bursaries available offered at different levels. When booking you will be required to stipulate which tier of bursary you require, which will also be offered on a first-come-first-served basis. Travel bursaries can be used to cover travel and accommodation costs, depending on distance travelled.

- FOOD - Food and drink will be provided - all food will be vegan.

- ACCESS - There will be regular toilet and movement breaks, and Studio KIND. is wheel-chair accessible. There is a small amount of budget for those who have additional access requirements, which will be distributed on a case-by-case basis, for example child-care or sign-language support.