Call for artists

Somerset Art Works Projects – Invitation to Artists – Expressions of Interest

We are look­ing for Artists who are inter­est­ed to work on Som­er­set Art Works engage­ment projects.

Since 2002 Somerset Art Works has worked with a wide range of arts and non-art partners, providing opportunities for communities to work collaboratively with professional artists and encourage wider participation in the arts. We are interested to meet with artists experienced in community engagement, co-creation and socially engaged practice across a wide range of art forms. Projects are in planning for a number of engagement programmes, working with a wide range of participants in a variety of settings.

We will be holding 2 days of online interviews on 10 and 11 May 2022 to provide artists with an opportunity to present their work to us, and for us to learn more about the work you do.

SAW’s approach is to carefully match artists with communities and projects, in consultation with the participants/groups involved. If you are not selected for forthcoming projects we will keep your details on file for future opportunities. We have been able to offer work to approx 50% of artists submitting Project Artist Expressions of Interest in 2021.

Artists who are interested to work on SAW engagement projects are invited to send an Expression of Interest by email to by Sunday 10 April.

Please email:
– Your CV

– 1 page (max) letter outlining:

. Your practice, artform/s.
. Approach and experience working with communities/groups/schools – any
areas of special interest.
. Experience of co-creation, socially engaged practice and project
. Experience delivering online workshops if appropriate (not necessary
for all projects)
. Links to your website/ projects/ images/ online workshops etc.
. Please send one email only (not multiples) max 10MB total email size

If you are an artist we already know, you are welcome to send us an update via the above format.