
Rurality and Inclusion Seminar

A sem­i­nar explor­ing rur­al gallery spaces from a dis­abled, chron­i­cal­ly ill and neu­ro­di­verse per­spec­tive; and how to to acti­vate pos­i­tive change.

23:30 23/10/24
Contact Name
Hannah Rose
Thursday 24 October

Rurality and Inclusion is a seminar hosted by Melanie Stidolph and Amanda Lynch. In conversation with Tate St Ives and Exeter Phoenix exploring rural gallery spaces from a disabled, chronically ill and neurodiverse perspective; and how to activate positive change.

Rurality and Inclusion is part of VASW's How Can I Stay (I don't want to not want to stay)? programme.

Where: Online via Zoom, facilitated by Visual Arts South West. The seminar will be recorded and a video will be produced after the event with BSL and Otter AI captions.

Outline of event:
Georgina (George) Kennedy (Tate St Ives curator) in conversation with Anna Farley (artist) discussing Anna’s practice, the opening and reception of Anna’s alternative space within the gallery of Tate St Ives and artist and curator relationships (how this formed and what this now looks like now).

Matt Burrows (Exeter Phoenix, curator) in conversation with Natasha MacVoy (artist) discussing artist and curator relationships within rural spaces, the challenges and positive outcomes of building this relationship whilst tackling and presenting difficult subject matter and challenging public perception.