
Residency for an emerging artist from an African Diaspora, South, East and South East Asian diaspora, or ethnically diverse background.

Res­i­den­cy for an emerg­ing artist from an African Dias­po­ra, South, East and South East Asian dias­po­ra or eth­ni­cal­ly diverse back­ground at Rame Projects

00:00 31/03/21
Contact Name
Rame Projects
Rame Projects is an artist-led project space on the Rame Peninsula in South-East Cornwall. Thanks to support from The Box, Plymouth; Arts Council England; Cultivator; and Plymouth College of Art, we are able to offer a month-long to six week residency opportunity to a UK based emerging artist from an African Diaspora, South, East and South East Asian diaspora, or ethnically diverse background.

Rame Projects aims to: provide opportunities for local communities to engage with contemporary art, in both its making and exhibition; engage local students and young people with contemporary art practices that are new to them; and support and platform emerging artists.

This opportunity has kindly been made possible by The Box – Plymouth’s major new museum, art gallery and archive.

What we can offer:

A month to six week long studio residency, with overhead costs for the space covered. Approximate dates are from the end of June to the middle of August (subject to change in discussion with the successful candidate).
The space is located on a Cornish cliff top, a short walk to beaches and local villages. It is 12m x 6m size, and suitable for work at most scales. There is basic AV equipment available in the space, 20 chairs, and a small kitchenette including a good coffee machine and a small office workspace and library. The studio is on the Maker Heights site, where there is an amazing cafe, The Canteen, and an inexpensive campsite; making residential workshops a possibility.
An artist fee of £600.
A production budget of £250 towards materials and related costs agreed with Rame Projects.
Fees to run two engagement workshops, each workshop fee is £175 plus up to £75 production budget.
Travel and accommodation budget facilitated in conversation with Rame Projects.
Support for a public-facing event e.g. exhibition of work in progress artworks, film screening, discussion group etc.
Access to The Box’s archives/collections, research and staff if required (and organised in advance).
Curatorial and critical support from Rame Projects team and local arts professionals.
Support in managing health and safety aspects of the residency and workshops in line with up to date government guidelines about Covid-19.
Whilst working in the rural environment is inspiring and creates a concentrated space for a residency, there are a couple of potential limitations. The WiFi is patchy and often requires tethering from your mobile data package. There are transport links if you don’t have a car, as there are several buses that step at/ or a close walk to Maker Heights, or you can get the passenger ferry from Plymouth to Mount Edgcumbe and walk up to the studio which is approximately a 40 min lovely walk through the countryside. There is no additional budget to support transportation costs unfortunately.

For further details on what we would like to see in an application and how to apply, please go to