
Project Residency

Our project res­i­den­cy pro­vides pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for ceram­i­cists, pot­ters and artists look­ing to under­take a short term project.

You’ll be able to spend your time researching, experimenting and making new work within our well resourced, professional and friendly studio. Projects can last anywhere from 1-3 months.

The residency includes one dedicated tutorial session (for each month of your project) with an experienced member of our team.

The residency also includes;

+ Personal storage unit with 5 shelves (1 shelf equivalent to 1.7 meters squared)

+ Access to all our specialist equipment and communal facilities

+ 1 dedicated tutorial session (60 mins) per month plus ongoing technical and contextual guidance

+ Firing credit of £50 per residency (additional firings charged separately)

+ 24/7 access

+ Health & safety and studio orientation induction

Fees begin at £315 per month. We offer discounted rates for projects lasting more than one month.

Further information can be found on our website