
Plymouth After Dark Micro-Commissions

To mark Black His­to­ry Month 2021, The Box is pleased to launch four micro-com­mis­sions that will cel­e­brate the diver­si­ty of Plymouth.

23:59 31/10/21
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Engagement and Programmes Team
The commissions will also explore aspects of culture that take place in the city at night.

They're part of 'Plymouth After Dark' - a major community project led by The Box which has been exploring all aspects of life in the city when the lights go down, from clubbing in the small hours through to volunteering on the Soup Run, over the last four years.

The Box is looking for four local creatives, who identify as people of colour, to produce a piece of work that tells the story of their experiences of the city at night.

Each successful commission will receive a grant of £500 to produce a digital piece of work that will be shared across The Box’s online platforms in early 2022.

The work can be presented in any format, as long as it can be submitted and exhibited or shared digitally. Professional and amateur artists, wordsmiths, photographers, film makers and musicians are all encouraged to apply. The Box is particularly keen to have representation from younger people, and two of the commissions will be reserved for the under 25s.

To apply, please email a summary of up to 500 words to outlining how you'd liked to present your story, including details of which mediums and digital platforms you'd like to use, along with a short CV and confirmation of your age at the time of submission. The deadline for applications is midnight on 31 October 2021.

The four successful commissions will be announced on 12 November with the final submissions of work on 4 January. They will be presented via The Box's website and social media channels in early 2022.