Call for artists

Paid Artist Opportunity

Oppor­tu­ni­ty for artists to work with chil­dren and young peo­ple, and RAMM’s insect col­lec­tions on Project Buzz.

We are looking for two artists to design and run three light-touch workshops each with children and young people inspired by RAMM’s insect collections. We are interested in artists who work in a range mediums including textiles, paint, collage or other forms of 2D art (not photography, video or film).
This opportunity is funded and supported by Arts Council England through its National Portfolio Funding for RAMM.
About Project Buzz
RAMM has an extensive insect collection, which includes butterflies, beetles, bees, moths and more. They are beautiful, fascinating to children and young people and many are becoming increasingly endangered due to habitat loss and pesticides.
Using RAMM’s insect gallery and handling collections as inspiration, we would like to invite two different artists to work with three selected groups of children/young people each to create an insect ‘swarm’ or art piece to raise awareness of insect biodiversity loss.
Groups will range from Scouts and Cubs, home educated children, students from the Deaf Academy, Exeter Communities Together and more. Their artwork will form part of a collective exhibition called Project Buzz in the RAMM Café between June and December 2023.
Through this project, young participants will have the chance to build new skills and self-esteem through supportive, inclusive and relaxed art sessions and learn about insects and how to protect them for future generations.
All groups will visit the museum galleries first where possible for inspiration and to learn about their particular insect type. Some of the sessions will involve talks from the Devon Wildlife Trust and visits to other venues such as the Princesshay rooftop Bee Hive.
Further information:
• You will have experience of running art workshops with children and young people, and ideally your own arts practice.
• We will be offering a fee of £1500 per artist (plus materials of up to £50 per session) to run three half day workshops with three different groups of children/young people. We would expect each workshop to take a different approach/media and focus on a different group of insect. The fee includes expenses, time for meetings, admin and preparation for each workshop. It also includes paid time to attend an introductory session to the museum and the insect gallery with each of your designated groups.
• Please send your expression of interest which should include a CV, examples of your work or link to your website, and a short statement/ idea of what you might do in no more than 100 words to Maya Herbolzheimer ( by 19 September 2022
• We do not expect a detailed proposal at this point. Please let us know if you require specific support during the application process.
• The selection panel will include Maya Herbolzheimer (RAMM Engagement Officer), Lara Goodband (RAMM Curator of Contemporary Art) and Neil Heasman (RAMM Event Coordinator).
• Successful applicants will be contacted during the week beginning 26th September 2022.
• Workshops will take place between October 2022 and February 2023.
Full info: