
OSC: DYCP Application Deep Dive with The Uncultured

What bet­ter way to cel­e­brate Round 20 open­ing than attend­ing a work­shop with The Uncul­tured to deep dive into apply­ing for DYCP!

Thurs 14 March 2024, 6pm online

In this session we'll look at tips for designing your activity, building a budget and what to write where in the form. Bring some big paper, pens, or your note-taking tool of choice, and leave with a clearer idea of what you want to ask the public funding gods for.

Ticket holders to this event will also gain exclusive access to our 1-1 Application Reviews on Monday 18th March. Pay just £15 to spend a full hour fine tuning your application with an Arts Funding Specialist.

The Uncultured are two freelancers, Ashleigh Bowmott and Laura Sweeney, who work together to produce, curate, facilitate and advocate. You might know them as The Template People, as they create lots of freelancer-friendly resources to try to minimise unpaid labour. They write tons of funding applications every year and have raised over £680,000 for independent artists in the last year.

Session timings
The talk will run online from 6pm-8pm, with an additional 15 minute Q&A (optional) to close the session.

About OSC
Open School Creative is a collaboration between BEAF Arts Co and TOSH (The Old School House) to support our community of artists and their artistic development at all stages of their career. OSC events and workshops are for artists interested in collaboration, skills development, community and connection.