Open call

Open Call: Works In Progress Exhibition at Centrespace Gallery

A space for cre­atives to share works they are devel­op­ing, an oppor­tu­ni­ty to take these works out of the mak­ing envi­ron­ment and into a fresh space.

00:00 16/02/23
Contact Name
Together We Make
Works In Progress
Interdisciplinary Exhibition
at Centrespace Gallery, Bristol
24th Feb til 1st March 2023

This test space will offer a chance for creatives to share works they are developing, an opportunity to take these works out of the making environment and into a neutral space to receive feedback from audiences and participants. We will be exploring how this can be a pivotal evolutionary point in the creative process. Having begun to explore this concept at our collaborative Happenings event in 2021, we aim to develop this test space further throughout the year. Alongside a series fo workshops and events unfolding throughout the week, exhibiting artists will have the opportunity to continue developing their works within the space throughout the duration of the show.

Please note there is a £15 artist fee to help cover the costs of the space. Participants must be available on the 23rd Feb and 2nd March to help install and take down your works & free to help invigilate for a minimum of 2 hours at some point throughout the show.

Please apply by sending the bellow information to by 16th Feb, however we advice that you apply as soon as you can to secure your space within the show.

Image/video/sound of up to 3 works you wish to exhibit & how these would be installed, you artist statement, links to your website/social media & why partaking will benefit you.