Open call

Open Call: Dreamtime Fellowship 2023-24

Spike Island is pleased to announce the fourth edi­tion of the Dream­time Fel­low­ship, made pos­si­ble thanks to the sup­port of artist Luke Jerram.

23:59 23/07/23
The Dreamtime Fellowship 2023-24, is now open to applications from Bristol-based artists who have graduated from a BA or MA Fine Art course from any institution within the last five years.

The successful applicant will be granted:
• 24-hour access to a shared studio space at Spike Island for a year (from October 2023 to September 2024)
• Annual membership to the Spike Island Associates network, which offers free access to regular talks, studio visits from artists, critics and curators, and peer-to-peer learning and support
• A £5,000 bursary
• Three one-to-one mentoring sessions with Luke Jerram throughout the year

This is a fantastic opportunity for self-led professional development and to launch your career as an artist.

The selected candidate will be expected to take part in Spike Island Open Studios in May 2024. Unfortunately, current or former Spike Island studio holders are not eligible to apply for this Fellowship.

Find out more & apply here: